Tuesday 11 November 2014

Help Me, Help You!

Jerry McGuire Video

Alright guys....this is kinda how I feel sometimes when I'm trying to relay important information to you (like your assignments, for example).  I post it on this blog, I write it on the board and I explain it to you verbally.....and some of you still tell me you didn't know what to do! Help me, help you.

For participation marks, PLEASE answer this question in the box below:
"What do you need to happen in order to absorb & remember important information?"


  1. I'm usually a note taker so I remember it more when I write stuffs down -eunice

    1. Good to hear! One participation mark for you. :) ~Ms. Echols

  2. maybe I could go over enlarging w/ you after school
    from shakira

    1. Yes, Shakira.....we should go over enlarging prints together. Make sure you sign up on the board!!!

    2. Also...thanks for your reply. One participation mark for you. :) ~Ms. Echols

  3. i think taking notes works pretty good -anna

    1. Good to hear! One participation mark for you. :) ~Ms. Echols

  4. I really wanna go shoot somewhere else than fort our photos are getting repetitive and copied unoriginal is there somewhere else we can go shoot? -Ben

    1. Yes, you are totally right. I am going to work on getting some field trips organized for you guys. I am also expecting you to take control of your own destiny and organize your own shoots after school or on the weekend. You have already done that a few times, so keep it up!

      Thanks for replying. One easy participation mark for you. :) ~Ms. Echols

  5. just let us do our own thing, at least thats what works for me. if i need help i will come to you, but i feel like your baby sitting us right now and it's making us feel more pressure and causes us get stressed and sometimes even look down on ourselves and our photos.

    1. Sorry you feel like I'm baby sitting you....I guess that happens sometimes. Please know that it comes from a loving place.

      I definitely don't want you to feel down about yourself because of pressure. That is not my intention and I apologize if you feel like that. I am trying to give you every opportunity to succeed and trying my best to help. I invite you to come talk to me in person (maybe after school or at lunch) so we can figure something out that works for both of us. I promise I'm a very reasonable person. :)

      I think writing down assignments into your process journal is good practice.....it can't hurt.

      ~Ms. Echols

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks for your reply. One easy participation mark for you. :) ~Ms. Echols

  7. I think that the way you're teaching is fine but, the students need to work on focusing/listening to instructions. yeah we want to do our own thing but we cant go about projects without instructions. and they need to realize that just because its a more comfortable loose environment you are still and authority figure and we need to respect that.

    1. Thank you for your support. You make some valid points. I really appreciate it. :)

      Also.....you mentioned that the way I am teaching is fine. Any thoughts on how I could make it better?

      ~Ms. Echols

  8. Maybe writing it on a certain spot on the board that can stay there throughout the assignment? -Cassidy

    1. I was writing things down on the top left corner of the board. I will do that again with the next assignment.

      Thanks for your feedback. One easy participation mark for you. :)

      ~Ms. Echols

  9. Writing down our process in our journals and making sure we are doing things the right way... I think :) -Erin
