Monday 10 November 2014

#4 Rule of Thirds (B&W Film)

Grade 10 Photo Majors.......

You need to complete the following by Wednesday November 26th

  1. 1 B&W contact sheet with AT LEAST 10 Rule of Thirds photos, labelled and glued into your process journal
  2. Your single BEST Rule of Thirds photo labelled and glued into your process journal 
  3. Evidence of your PROCESS (i.e. test strips.....etc) labelled and glued in to your process journal



Correct Rule of Thirds ~ Awkward use of model

Rule of Thirds ~ NOT awkward use of model

I will be marking on the following criterea:
  • Image satisfies compositional requirements
  • Interesting subject matter
  • Originality
  • No distracting elements to draw the viewer's eye away from the main subject matter
  • Main subject is in focus
  • Photographer utilized natural light (daylight)
  • Correct exposure & contrast
  • Straight horizon line

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