Saturday 1 November 2014

#3 Framing Devices (B&W Film)

Grade 10 Photo Majors.......

You need to complete the following by Friday, November 14th 


  • 1 B&W contact sheet with AT LEAST 10 framing photos, labelled and glued into your process journal
  • Your single BEST framing photo labelled and glued into your process journal 
  • Evidence of your PROCESS (i.e. test strips.....etc) labelled and glued in to your process journal 

Below are several examples of framing devices:

      I will be marking on the following criteria:

  • There is an obvious framing device present
  • Framing device is actually framing a subject
  • Originality
  • No distracting elements to draw the viewer's eye away from the main subject matter
  • Main subject is in focus
  • Correct exposure & contrast
  • Straight horizon lines

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