Tuesday 25 November 2014

Great Locations to Shoot

Awesome Shooting Locations in Vancouver:
  • Gas town
  •  Yale town & The Round House
  • Vancouver Art Gallery
  • Vancouver Library on Homer & Robson
  • Law Courts
  • Bottom of Homer Street (alley between Cordova & Hastings has great graffiti and transformers)
  • Coal Harbour
  • Stanley Park (ESPECIALLY under the light house!!!)

Sunday 16 November 2014

Eastside Art Crawl

About the Eastside Culture Crawl

The Eastside Culture Crawl officially began in 1997 with 45 visual artists and was attended by a few hundred people. Since then, The Crawl has grown to include over 400 artists, craftspeople and designers, and attracts an audience of more than twenty thousand. The organization itself has evolved into a cultural event that is richly experimental, providing visitors with an in-depth glimpse into the heart of the East Van creative community. It's worth checking out!

*Bonus participation marks for anyone that provides evidence of attending the Eastside Art Crawl (photographs, notes and/or business cards in your process journal.....etc. Get creative!)

Tuesday 11 November 2014

#7 Simplicity (B&W Film)

#6 Juxtaposition (B&W Film)

Grade 10 Photo Majors.......

You need to hand in the following on the last day of classes before Christmas break:  Friday December 19th

  1. 1 B&W contact sheet with AT LEAST 10 "Juxtaposition" photos, labelled and glued into your process journal
  2. Your single BEST "Juxtaposition" photo labelled and glued into your process journal 
  3. Evidence of your PROCESS (i.e. test strips.....etc) labelled and glued in to your process journal

I will be marking on the following criteria:
  • Image satisfies compositional requirements
  • Interesting subject matter
  • Originality
  • No distracting elements to draw the viewer's eye away from the main subject matter
  • Main subject is in focus
  • Photographer utilized natural light (daylight)
  • Correct exposure & contrast
  • Straight horizon line
  • Photograph taken at a NEW location!!! (Not school grounds)

#5 Leading Lines & S-Curves (B&W Film)

Grade 10 Photo Majors.......

You need to complete the following by  Friday December 5th

  1. 1 B&W contact sheet with AT LEAST 10 Leading Lines or S-Curve photos, labelled and glued into your process journal
  2. Your single BEST Leading Lines or S-Curve photo labelled and glued into your process journal 
  3. Evidence of your PROCESS (i.e. test strips.....etc) labelled and glued in to your process journal

Leading Lines

Leading Lines

Leading Lines


Leading Lines

Leading Lines

Leading Lines

 Leading Lines

 Leading Lines

 Leading Lines

Leading Lines

Leading Lines

I will be marking on the following criteria:
  • Image satisfies compositional requirements
  • Interesting subject matter
  • Originality
  • No distracting elements to draw the viewer's eye away from the main subject matter
  • Main subject is in focus
  • Photographer utilized natural light (daylight)
  • Correct exposure & contrast
  • Straight horizon line
  • Photograph taken at a NEW location!!! (Not school grounds)

Help Me, Help You!

Jerry McGuire Video

Alright guys....this is kinda how I feel sometimes when I'm trying to relay important information to you (like your assignments, for example).  I post it on this blog, I write it on the board and I explain it to you verbally.....and some of you still tell me you didn't know what to do! Help me, help you.

For participation marks, PLEASE answer this question in the box below:
"What do you need to happen in order to absorb & remember important information?"

Monday 10 November 2014

#4 Rule of Thirds (B&W Film)

Grade 10 Photo Majors.......

You need to complete the following by Wednesday November 26th

  1. 1 B&W contact sheet with AT LEAST 10 Rule of Thirds photos, labelled and glued into your process journal
  2. Your single BEST Rule of Thirds photo labelled and glued into your process journal 
  3. Evidence of your PROCESS (i.e. test strips.....etc) labelled and glued in to your process journal



Correct Rule of Thirds ~ Awkward use of model

Rule of Thirds ~ NOT awkward use of model

I will be marking on the following criterea:
  • Image satisfies compositional requirements
  • Interesting subject matter
  • Originality
  • No distracting elements to draw the viewer's eye away from the main subject matter
  • Main subject is in focus
  • Photographer utilized natural light (daylight)
  • Correct exposure & contrast
  • Straight horizon line