Sunday 26 April 2015

Aperture Review

1) Click on the link below & watch this quick video on aperture:

2) Make flashcards (ask teacher for the handouts ~ 2 people per set)

3) Study the image below and then practice photography flashcards with a buddy:

4) In groups of 3, spend 30 minutes outside (10 min each) and take turns taking photos of each other. You will need the following:
  • 1 camera
  • 1 tripod
  • 2 models
  • Aperture Review Handout
  • 1 pen or pencil
**note: I am looking for 1 SHALLOW D.O.F. photo and 1 DEEP D.O.F. photo. Demonstrate that you understand the difference between the two and how to achieve the correct affect. 

***RULE OF THUMB: using a telephoto lens will help enhance a shallow d.o.f. by compressing the background. A wide angle lends itself well to having everything in focus. For more information, check the "Aperture & Focal Length" blog posting under "Ms. Echols Examples & Assignments."

1 comment:

  1. Why are we learning this now? This would have been very helpful before we finished the project. You seem to do everything backwards.
