Thursday 30 April 2015

Documentary on Body Language

This is really applies to everyday life, but is also very helpful for photographing people.

Analyze the body language of powerful people as.....

World leaders battle over handshakes
Brittany Spears falls apart
Paris Hilton gets arrested

Click on the link below & answer the following questions
(write down in note-form as many points as possible):

Body Language Documentary
  1. How do people demonstrate power?
  2. What do people do when they are lying/feeling defensive?
  3. How do people demonstrate then they are "welcoming"?
  4. How does one show they are being authentic?
  5. What percentage of communication is non-verbal?
  6. How can you use what you learned from watching this documentary and apply it to your life as it is right now?

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Aperture & Focal Length

Check out this informative Video & take notes (click on the link below):

Choosing the Right Lens Focal Length

How Focal Length Affects Viewing Angle:

Different focal lengths produce different viewing angles, which in turn create different images. In addition, different focal lengths also produce varying levels of perspective and depth of field. As focal length changes, the amount of subject captured by the lens (viewing angle) also changes. 

Lenses are typically grouped into 5 categories (you should familiarize yourself with these):

1) Ultra-Wide Angle (a.k.a. Fish-eye) lenses range from 14mm to 20mm

2) Wide Angle lenses range from 24mm to 35mm

3) Standard lenses range from 45mm to 70mm 
    (these are similar in field of view to the human eye)

4) Telephoto lenses range from 80mm to 300mm 
    (allow you to "zoom in" close & compress the background)

5) Ultra-Telephoto lenses consist of any focal length greater than 300mm

For more detailed information...check out the link below:

Sunday 26 April 2015

Aperture Review

1) Click on the link below & watch this quick video on aperture:

2) Make flashcards (ask teacher for the handouts ~ 2 people per set)

3) Study the image below and then practice photography flashcards with a buddy:

4) In groups of 3, spend 30 minutes outside (10 min each) and take turns taking photos of each other. You will need the following:
  • 1 camera
  • 1 tripod
  • 2 models
  • Aperture Review Handout
  • 1 pen or pencil
**note: I am looking for 1 SHALLOW D.O.F. photo and 1 DEEP D.O.F. photo. Demonstrate that you understand the difference between the two and how to achieve the correct affect. 

***RULE OF THUMB: using a telephoto lens will help enhance a shallow d.o.f. by compressing the background. A wide angle lends itself well to having everything in focus. For more information, check the "Aperture & Focal Length" blog posting under "Ms. Echols Examples & Assignments."

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Annie Leibovitz ~ Life Through A Lense

Click on the link below:

1) Watch this video and make detailed notes of everything that sounds significant to you
(minimum 1 full page)

2) Please create a visual response based on what you have learned from watching this video. 

3) Answer the following questions:

How does she get the "best possible pictures"?
What makes her such a great portrait photographer?
What stands out about her? What makes her different? 

Why do you think Ms. Echols is showing you this video now? 

Monday 20 April 2015

Quote of the Day

Take a moment and write this quote down in your process journal:

"Don't worry about having to be the best.

Just worry about DOING your best."
